Originally Posted by Capcom
Q. Capcom is using downloads to sell remastered and other versions of catalogue titles. What is therelationship between package and digital download sales? Isn’t there a risk of competition between these two channels?
A. HD remasters of our catalogue hit titles will be one of our key business activities. Overseas, it is becoming difficult to sell these lower-priced and re-mastered titles at stores because of the declining number of stores and sales area limitations. Therefore, we started aggressive digital download sales activities. These activities created new demand for these titles. For example, overseas download sales of "Resident Evil" (HD Remastered) in the past fiscal year were far
higher than we expected. It is not a risk but rather the growth of the download sales channel gives users more options. We regard this as growth in opportunities to have allow access for more people to enjoy our games.
Source: http://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/d...14_full_05.pdf